Frequently Asked Questions


School Assembly takes place in the Simon Peter Centre on Mondays at 2:15pm​.  Assemblies may also take place to mark special occasions.  Classes share prayer at assembly and awards are presented to students.  Parents / caregivers are welcome to attend assembly.

Bike Riding

All students riding bikes to and from school are required by law to wear a protective helmet.  Bikes are to be placed in the racks provided.  Helmets are to be stored in class port racks.  It is the responsibility of each student to secure his/her bike to prevent theft.  Bikes are not to be ridden in the school grounds, students should walk beside their bikes when in the school grounds.  The bike rack area is out of bounds during school hours.


Bookclub order forms from Ashton Scholastic are sent home once per term.  The orders are sent through the school office.


A Book List is sent home with your child at the end of October each year.  The completed form must be returned to the school within the specified time.

Car Parking

Parents can use the parish / school car park located at the front of the property on school days. To enter the car park – LEFT IN. To leave the car park – LEFT OUT.  Follow the instructions on the sign at the exit.


Please observe the “drop-off” zone restrictions and other directional signs as displayed.  Green kerbing indicates the “drop-off” – “pick-up” zone.  This area is for students to exit or enter a car only and drivers must remain in the car.  A 2 - minute “drop-off” time is permitted on the “long straight” just inside the entrance.  Students are not to walk along the roadway in front of the fence.  The right hand lane is a drive through only lane.

After school, students wait on the grassy area between the library and the church under teacher supervision.  In the car park, drivers are asked to reverse into parking bays.  If there are no empty parking bays, drive out and park on the street. 

For the safety of students, parents are encouraged to drop off and collect them from the car park to ensure they are not waiting in adjoining streets or at the service station. On weekdays the driveway between the church and presbytery is for the use of parish and school staff only.

Lost Property

A Lost Property Box is situated outside the back Staffroom door. All lost property should be sent to this location, students looking for lost items of uniform should be directed to the Lost Property Box.  Parents should ensure that all items are clearly named (uniforms, lunch boxes, hats). 

Parish Mothers' / Play Group

Mothers and students meet once a week at the school.  Please contact the Parish or School office regarding contact phone numbers.  Other Parish activities can be located in the Parish Information Handbook.

Playground Procedure

Students in Years P-2 play on the lower Oval.  Students in Years 3-6 play on the upper oval, senior adventure playground, and multi court area located on the Lower Oval.

No Hat No Play!  Students without hats are required to sit in the top shed or under the shade area and will be excluded from play activities.

Receipt of Money

All accounts need to be receipted by the school office to enable the school to account accurately for the monies it receives.   The office does not keep cash on the premises, so please endeavour to provide correct money when paying accounts.

St Peter's Netball Club

Students are invited to join the St Peter’s Netball Club, a member of the Underwood Park Netball Association.  Fixtures take place on Saturday afternoon at Underwood Park.  Training sessions are usually held after school hours.  Information will appear in the school newsletter prior to sign-on day.

Secondary Education

St Peter’s provides Primary Education for boys and girls in the Parish.  Parents have a considerable choice of Catholic Secondary Schools.  Brisbane Catholic Education Systemic Colleges in this area include:

​Clairvaux MacKillop College ​Upper Mt Gravatt ​co-educational
Chisholm Catholic College ​Cornubia ​co-educational
St Thomas More College ​Sunnybank ​co-educational
Our Lady's College ​Annerley ​all girls

Information for enrolment at these Colleges may be obtained by contacting them directly.

Student Leadership

All Year 6 students take on the responsibility as Leaders of the School participating in Care Groups which provide support in areas:  Activities, Sport, Media, Under 8’s, Environment, Library, Junior School and Art.  Care Group Leaders are elected by their peers. Two House Captains are elected for each of the four houses and a Band and Choir Captain is chosen from the students participating in these activities.

Workplace Health & Safety Committee

This Committee consisting of staff and parent representatives promotes co-operation amongst employers, principal contractors and workers. It also helps to develop and carry out policies and procedures to ensure that adequate workplace health and safety measures are in place.

A person who is a representative or a member of a committee cannot be civilly liable because of their action or lack of action in exercising their entitlements under the act.