St Peter's offers a range of learning opportunities that fall outside of the normal curriculum. An extracurricular activity is designed to enhance the students' social, academic, physical, creative or intellectual learning. Some activities occur as part of normal school life whilst others take place as an extension of the day. Some examples of what is offered at St Peter's are:
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2024).
- Excursions/Incursions
- Camps (Year 5/6)
- Readers Cup
- Boost (Reading support program)
- ICAS (Various Subject Testing)
- STEM and technology initiatives
| Spiritual
- Sacramental preparation
- Parish School Mass participation
- St Vincent De Paul Social Justice Program
- Altar service and liturgy groups
- Whole school and Year level Masses
- Special Liturgies
- Social Justice campaigns
- Instrumental Lessons
- Book week activities
- Indonesian Day
- Cultural Evening
- Instrumental Programs Whole school assemblies
- School Choirs and performances
- Christmas Concert
- Junior Nobel Art Competition
| Student Led Activities and Student Leadership
- School Captains
- House Captains
- Student Representative Council
- Leadership Committee Projects
- Environmental Leaders (Tangalooma Eco Rangers)
- Tech Leaders
- Leadership Days