St Peter’s grounds and facilities are set on 5 spacious hectares. The buildings are strategically placed to preserve the beautiful park-like grounds. Our grounds, buildings and facilities are well maintained and include:
Air-conditioned classrooms, are complete with interactive TV/whiteboards. Our journey in upgrading classroom spaces into flexible learning areas has begun.
School Hall:
Simon Peter Centre: Fully equipped multi-purpose hall with sound room, stage, fully equipped tuckshop and learning space. Used for drama, physical education, school assemblies, social events and outside school activities.
Outdoor Play Spaces:
From adventure playgrounds, basketball and handball courts, oval spaces, quiet shaded indoor and outdoor spaces, students at St Peter’s have access to a variety of spaces to play and learn in both in breaks and during specified class time.
Our modern library has a large range of engaging fiction, non-fiction, and picture story books. All classes have a timetabled weekly library lesson in the library. Children are encouraged to borrow books weekly. Our Library is open at lunchtimes
OSHC Centre:
A dedicated facility for outside school hours care of students is on site and administered by Catholic Early EdCare.
Art Room:
The school has a dedicated art room BPS art room is a feature of our main building.
Tuck Shop:
Our tuck shop is currently operating on Thursdays and Friday each week.
Click the links below to view our interactive online virtual tours or come and book a tour and see the beautiful learning space that is St Peter’s School.
Thanks to Mark and the team from
3D Society for the creation of our online tours.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2022).