School Prayer
God who is always with us,
Guide us to be people of faith.
Help us to build a community of love in action.
Teach us to learn through Christ.
To welcome others, showing respect and kindness.
Help us to show peace in our every day life.
To care for others and our world and to make the school a place of peace.
St. Peter’s - a community in faith, learning and peace.
St. Mary of the Cross Mackillop - help us to learn through Christ.
Nano Nagle - help us light the world with peace.
St. Peter - help us be people of faith.
Jesus - grant us peace.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2016).
St Peter's School Song
This is our school, We’re gathered here to learn. To do our best, To give and take our turn. The teachers guide our footsteps They help us on our way We’ll all walk on together And progress day by day.
So let us sing of St Peter’s Sing praises to God Let us always remember St Peter’s and be proud
| This is our school May it reflect our care Let’s keep it great As work and sport we share We’ll strive to be good leaders We’ll hold our heads up high As on we go together Where e’re our futures lie.
So let us sing of St Peter’s Sing praises to God Let us always remember St Peter’s and be proud
| This is our school Throughout the coming years May God go with us all With God we hold no fears We’ll try to be good citizens Good scholars all our days Towards horizons bright with hope Along our chosen ways. So let us sing of St Peter’s Sing praises to God Let us always remember St Peter’s and be proud
House Teams
Our school houses are named after a person important for our school’s history and spirit. It is good for our children to know about the person their house is named after and how they contributed to St peter’s School.
NAGLEis named after Nano Nagle, the foundress of the Presentation Order whose members administered and taught at St. Peter’s until the mid eighties. SYMBOLS: Jacaranda and Blue Tongued Lizard COLOUR: BLUE

| PARRYis named after Sister Vicki-Anne Parry, our founding Principal, who with her staff, opened our school in 1976. SYMBOLS: Bottlebrush and Red Kangaroo COLOUR: RED
 | ENRIGHTis named after Father Rollo Enright, our founding Parish Priest who was appointed in 1974. SYMBOLS: Wattle and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo COLOUR: GOLD

| MURRAY is named after Mrs Jan Murray, a long serving teacher who joined St. Peter's in 1977 and retired in 1998. SYMBOLS: Eucalypt and Green Tree Frog COLOUR: GREEN

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2015).