Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St

Peter's. Please find the link below to your child's online application for enrolment.
You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, complete and submit the form.
If applying for enrolment for more than 1 student, when the form is completed, an option will be available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.
Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment
Recommended year level for student enrolments
In addition to the completed online application for enrolment for your child, a number of supporting documents will be required. Please forward copies of the following documents.
- Birth Certificate
- Baptism Certificate (if baptised)
- Passport or Australian Citizenship Certificate for Parents and Children not born in Australia
- If Parents are born after 20 August 1986, proof of Australian Citizenship (Parent Birth Certificate or Australian Passport)
- Visa if you are in Australia on a Temporary/Permanent Visa
- Last two School Reports and NAPLAN Report(s) (if applicable)
- Any Learning Reports or Student Specialist Assessments
- Any Medical Reports or Medical Action Plan
- Legal Documentation eg: Parental Agreements, Custody Orders etc.
Once all the necessary paperwork is received, only then can the application be classed as ‘complete”. Please Note: Submission of an application does not guarantee enrolment
Documentation may be emailed to:
Documentation may be posted to: 955 Rochedale Rd, Rochedale 4123
Documentation may also be lodged in person
Application for Enrolment in Person: A copy of the print version of the Application for Enrolment is also available via the School Office or
click here for a print at home copy.
What Happens Next?
After lodging an Application for Enrolment, you will receive a notification verifying lodgement of your applications. An enrolment interview will be held with a member of the school leadership team. Where possible we ask that your child or children who are enrolling attend this interview. Please note children with special needs undergo an Enrolment Support Process. in accordance with Archdiocesan enrolment procedures for students with special needs.
Following the completion of the interview process emails are sent to parents notifying of confirmation of enrolment or placement on waiting list. After an offer of a place has been made your child’s place is confirmed when Confirmation of Enrolment Forms have been returned and the enrolment fee of $100 has been paid. Dates for Term 4 information sessions are provided to families.
In Term 4 second-round offers are made. St Peter’s holds an information/ orientation session for all new families with an extended evening for new Prep families. Prep children are also invited to take part in some transition to school sessions. These sessions provide a time for ordering uniforms, meeting other families and gathering information for the start of school at St Peter’s.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2024).