Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is on site and operated by our uniform convenor. Its aim is to provide all your school uniform requirements at reasonable costs. The school uniform is ordered via the
UMS website, please use password: stpeters2024
It is open Tuesday 8:00-10:30am
Uniform Requirements
Student's individuality is appreciated at St Peter's. However, we do have a compulsory school uniform. It is our expectation that all children leave home looking not only a credit to their families, but also to the school to which they belong. Our Uniform Policy outlines the responsibilities applicable to parents and students.
No make-up, fingernail polish, coloured hair or tattoos are permitted.
It is a WHS requirement that hair (regardless of sex) extending below the collar be tied back with appropriate school hair ties.
Students may wear sleepers or studs. Students may wear a watch with basic features.
Watches that have games, cameras or other distracting features are not permitted. A necklace/chain around the neck may be worn only if a Christian Religious medal is attached to the chain. No other jewellery is to be worn.
| Boys
School Formal shirt or School “Polo” with Crest Navy Culottes with Crest or Unisex Short with Crest Navy School Hat or Cap with Crest Short Blue Socks Black Shoes (no Stripes)
Sports Days: School polo shirt and sports shorts
School Formal shirt or School “Polo” with Crest Navy "Ruggers" Shorts with School Crest or Unisex Short with Crest Navy School Hat or Cap with Crest Short Blue Socks Black Shoes (no Stripes)
Sports Days: School polo shirt and sports shorts
Navy Fleece Track Suit with Crest On exceptionally cold days a navy long sleeved shirt or jumper can be worn under the tracksuit jacket Navy tights may also be worn under Culottes
Navy Fleece Track Suit with Crest On exceptionally cold days a navy long sleeved shirt or jumper can be worn under the tracksuit jacket
Please ensure that all items of clothing are CLEARLY LABELLED with your child’s name.
Our tuckshop operates on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for first and second breaks and is dedicated to providing a healthy and well-balanced menu. The preferred method for ordering tuckshop at St Peter’s is via the online ordering application Flexischools . This system is a convenient way to place tuckshop orders online, providing a 24/7 payment and ordering system that can be accessed from home, work or a mobile device. Online orders are faster and more accurate giving peace of mind that your order and payment is received accurately at the school.
Download the Flexischools App here

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© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2024).